
  • “How is violence against women tolerated?” 

    Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Nuran İmir submitted a parliamentary question about the increasing violence against women during the pandemic to be answered by Family and Social Services Minister Derya Yanık.

  • “95 women were killed in 2021,” claims Derya Yanık 

    Turkey’s Family and Social Services Minister Derya Yanık claimed that only 95 women were killed in 2021.

  • Police prevent women from making statement on Kobanî Trial 

    Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Women’s Councils members wanted to make a statement to protest Kobanî Trial; however, police prevented them.

  • CHP Kale Chair resigns after sexual assault allegations 

    Süleyman Karabulut, the chair of Republican People's Party (CHP) Kale district of Malatya province, resigned after sexual assault allegations against him.

  • “17 women lost their lives in April,” says Turkish Ministry of Interior 

    17 women lost their lives in April in Turkey, according to the data of the Ministry of Interior.

  • Palestinian women comment on postponement of elections 

    The general elections to be held in Palestine on May 22 have been indefinitely postponed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for not being allowed to hold elections in east Jerusalem by Israel. Palestinian women commented on the postponement of the elections and said that they had a great hope from the elections, but that hope would remain incomplete without east Jerusalem.

  • Candidate for SNP in Scotland Roza Salih: “My goal is to increase the women’s struggle” 

    Roza Salih, who was born in Southern Kurdistan, is an election candidate for the Scottish National Party (SNP) in Glasgow region. She noted that one of her first projects is to defend refugee rights, “I will make the voice of Kurdish people heard everywhere and my biggest goal is to increase the women’s struggle.”

  • Boycott from Iranian mothers: Until we have fair elections… 

    A group of Iranian mothers, who call themselves, “Iranian Mothers” has struggled for justice for their children killed by Iran for years. They issued a statement to announce that they boycott the upcoming elections in the country. “We will never be a candidate nor support any candidates until we have free and fair elections,” said the mothers.

  • Members of commission on investigation of violence against women announced 

    The members of Turkey’s Parliamentary Investigation Commission formed to investigate violence against women have been announced in the Official Gazette.

  • Filiz Kerestecioğlu: inequalities deepened 

    Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Filiz Kerestecioğlu held a press conference at the Turkish Grand National Assembly on rights violations in Ankara.

  • Pervin Buldan: Women will strongly protect their achievements 

    Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Pervin Buldan talked about Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, and she stated that the withdrawal is unlawful and that they have appealed to the Council of State and filed an annulment action against Turkey’s withdrawal from the İstanbul Convention by a Presidential decision. “Women will strongly protect their achievements by organizing and struggling more,” Pervin Buldan said.

  • Neila Zoghlami: Surely there will be noise while tearing down the walls! 

    Tunisian Association of The Democratic Women (ATFD) announced that they postponed their "Feminists against everything" conference. “Surely, there will be noise while tearing down the walls, surely there will be those who are disturbed,” said Neila Zoghlami while drawing attention to those who are disturbed by the organization of Tunisian women.

  • Pervin Buldan meets with women journalists 

    Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Pervin Buldan met with women journalists regarding Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention.

  • Alia Ellafi: Break the glass ceilings 

    Dr. Alia Ellafi talked about women’s participation in management positions, professional life, and politics in Libya. She called on women to go beyond barriers and “break the glass ceilings” imposed on women by society.

  • Women of CHP to travel 81 cities for Istanbul Convention 

    Members of the Republican People's Party (CHP) Women’s Branches will travel 82 cities of Turkey within the scope of the “Life Right" project realized to combat violence against women.

  • 22 female MPs ask ‘this or that’ question 

    HDP 22 female MPs have submitted a parliamentary question to be answered by Family, Labor, and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt. The parliamentary question includes just a “This or That” question; “As Minister of the Family, Labor and Social Services and a woman, will you defend yourself with which when you are subjected to violence?”

  • Vjosa Osmani becomes new president of Kosovo 

    38-year-old Vjosa Osmani has been elected as the new president of Kosovo. Osmani made a speech after being elected as president, and she called for a dialogue aimed at normalizing ties with Serbia.

  • First examination on HDP closure case to be made today: The case is not legal but political 

    Turkish Constitutional Court will today begin to examine the case demanding the closure of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). It is not clear how the process will work, but many possibilities are claimed. But the opponents and HDP members agree that the case is a political case. HDP Amed MP Selma Güzel emphasizes that the ruling party (Justice and Development Party-AKP) seeks ways to close the HDP in order to prevent its collapse, while HDP Amed MP Remziye Tosun draws attention to today’s history and says, “When it comes to Kurds, even dates are specially chosen.”

  • HDP MP Gergerlioğlu detained at Parliament this morning 

    Ankara-HDP Kocaeli MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu, who staged a “justice vigil” at Turkish Parliament after being stripped of his parliamentary seat, was detained this morning at the Parliament.

  • “HDP is more than a signboard, it is the people itself” 

    The case filed for the closure of the HDP sparks anger among people. HDP MPs Dersim Dağ and Nuran İmir talked to our news agency about the closure case against the HDP and the final ruling against HDP Kocaeli MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu.