
  • First in Gaza: Young woman grows organic oyster mushrooms 

    Alaa Al-Masri, 27, is a young Palestinian woman living in the Gaza Strip. Although she is a university graduate and has a master’s degree in business administration, she grows organic oyster mushrooms. After attending an agriculture fair, she decided to grow oyster mushrooms. “I grow 150 kilograms of oyster mushrooms every month. I want to increase the production capacity to sell mushrooms in all cities,” she told NuJINHA.

  • “They are both economic and healthy,” says Eysa İbrahim, who builds earth roof 

    Earth is one of the most abundant, basic building materials used in building houses and roofs for nearly ten thousand years. Eysa İbrahim, who builds earth roofs in Kobanî, says, “They are both economic and healthy.”

  • Historical sites being targeted in Şerawa 

    Historical sites in the Mezin and Xirab Şemsê villages of Afrin’s Şerawa town have been targeted by the Turkish army and Turkey-backed armed factions. Women living in the villages say that the aim of attacks on the historical sites is to destroy the memory of people and they call on international organizations to stop attacks.

  • Helale’s journey from milk cartons to greenhouse 

    Helale began to plant roses in milk cartons in 1995 and now she has a big greenhouse garden.

  • Yedigöller fascinates with its unique landscape 

    While the natural beauties in Yedigöller continue to fascinate those who see it, the reflection of the unique landscape in the water of its lakes creates a completely different image, challenging the reality.

  • Water crisis in Khuzestan intensifying 

    While the water crisis in Iran's Khuzestan province has been intensifying, diseases have spread in the Nagazeh village of the province due to water pollution.

  • Nature of Afrin being plundered 

    Mervet Hemede, a member of Ecology Council of Shehba Municipality, reacted to the plundering of Afrin's trees by cutting down and said, “Let’s work more against the plundering of nature together. Let's show the world the real face of those who plunder.”

  • Kandovan village keeps fascinating its visitors 

    Kandovan Village, which has thousand-year-old history, is known for its rock houses. It keeps fascinating its visitors.

  • Beautiful natural wonder: Abant Lake 

    Abant Lake, which was declared as a natural park in 1988, is surrounded by forests. It offers a resting opportunity to the tourists with its beautiful nature. Citizens who take a walk around the lake and in the forest are trying to get rid of the stress of big cities by enjoying the fresh air.

  • Another hydroelectric power plant to be built on Zorava Stream 

    The second hydroelectric power plant planned to be built in Siirt province will put nature, settlements, people, and animals in the region at risk.

  • “Environmental degradation causes new disasters” 

    Climate change is the greatest challenge of the 21st century, environmental journalist Susan Ebu Seid said,” Everyone has a role in the fight against it.”

  • Decline in Sirwan river flow raises concerns of villagers 

    People living in the villages around Sirwan River say that the decline in Sirwan river flow has affected them. “We are concerned about the decline in water level.”

  • “Purslane should be grown everywhere because it treats many diseases” 

    “Purslane should be grown everywhere because it treats many diseases,” Fehime Ebdulrehmen says.

  • Paris agreement on climate submitted to parliament 

    Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdoğan submitted the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change, to the parliament on Friday. Environmentalists and climate experts have demanded the ratification of the agreement in the country for years.

  • Ruxweş has all kinds of fruits in her awarded garden 

    Ruxweş Salih Arif’s garden was awarded the greenest garden prize in the region. She has many trees such as banana, grape, and fig trees in her garden. She takes care of her garden every day and teaches her children how they should take care of the garden.

  • Gelîyê Godernê Valley at risk of being submerged due to dam project 

    Many historical places in Turkey’s Kurdish region have been submerged due to dam projects. Hasankeyf and Eğil districts are some of the submerged historical places. Now, Gelîyê Godernê Valley is at risk of being submerged due to a dam project.

  • She aims to plant 2 million trees in Dersim 

    Şükran Yılmaz, who has been making a living by selling grapes growing in her village in Dersim for years, also voluntarily travels from village to village to distribute mulberry and walnut tree seeds to women. The aim of Şükran Yılmaz, who encourages women to take part in the production, is to plant two million mulberry and walnut trees in Dersim.

  • Nurcan Karasu: The aim is to depopulate the region with forest fires caused by the military operations 

    HDP Ecology Commission Member Nurcan Karasu drew attention to the forest fires that have systematically broken out in cities such as Dersim, Şırnak, Bingöl, and Hakkari in recent years. “The aim is to evacuate, depopulate the region by launching military operations under the name of security,”

  • 'Security' policies destroy ecology in Kurdish region 

    Forest fires in the Kurdish region of Turkey, particularly in summer, harm animals and trees. The main reason for the forest fires is military operations launched in the region. The fires that started due to the military operations in Dersim and Şırnak haven't been put out for days.

  • Water crisis in Egypt to affect mostly women 

    The water crisis in Egypt is getting worse. Researchers warn that the crisis will affect mostly women of Egypt, where the majority of the population consists of villagers who make their living from agriculture.