3-day workshop for men by Kongra Star to achieve gender equality
Kongra Star held a three-day workshop for men in Hasakah as part of its activities for the International Women’s Day.

Hasakah- The Joint Action Platform of Women’s Movements and Organizations in North and East Syria kicked off its activities for the International Women’s Day on February 24 with the motto, “We will defeat the policies of genocide, occupation and isolation with the free will of women”. As part of the activities for the International Women’s Day, Kongra Star members held a three-day workshop in the city of Hasakah with the participation of 22 men. In three days, men were given information about the history of the International Women’s Day, how gender equality can be achieved and the system of Kongra Star.
‘We struggle to change the patriarchal mindset’
“We held a three-day workshop for men as part of the activities for the International Women’s Day,” Helebça Ehmed, member of Kongra Star, said in an interview with NuJINHA. “22 men participated in the workshop. The workshop aimed to raise awareness about the role of every individual in achieving gender equality. The patriarchal mindset always aims to enslave women in order to enslave the whole society. Therefore, we struggle to change the patriarchal mindset. Our revolution is a revolution of achieving changes. We will build an equal society.”
‘We apply the philosophy of leader Öcalan’
Mihemd Xewas, council member of the People’s Municipality in Hasakah, said that they aimed to change the patriarchal mindset through education. “We want to have a life in which everyone is equal and lives together and this can only be possible through education. We apply the philosophy of leader Öcalan (Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan). March 8 is a sacred day for us to gain our rights by struggling. Women have achieved many gains since the women’s revolution in Rojava. The revolution brings many changes with it. Education is like bread and water for everyone. The workshop aimed to achieve changes through education.”