Latest News

11:37 actual ‘Child marriage should be prevented to build a moral society’
10:35 actual Fighter of truth: Deniz Fırat
14:46 actual Air pollution shuts schools, universities in Iran
14:44 actual 165 women killed in Iran and Rojhilat in last two years
12:38 actual JINNEWS: 26 women were killed by men in July
12:36 actual 9 Baha’i citizens arrested in Iran
11:28 actual Poverty, ban, conflict: Afghan children deprived of education for years
09:42 actual Taliban bans girl students over 10 from attending school
09:27 community/life Milkmaids have to walk three hours every day due to ban
14:18 actual Female protester in Iran: I want to write Jin, Jiyan, Azadi on all walls in the world
12:56 actual 3 years after Beirut explosion: Those responsible still covered
11:25 actual Call by presidents of Mediterranean states against climate crisis
10:42 actual Turkey: Men kill 25 women in July
09:50 ecology Ecological plunder in Zap Valley endangers all living creatures
15:10 actual Conference on autonomy of Shengal in Baghdad
14:36 actual Life stopped in Shengal on anniversary of ‘Yazidi Genocide’
14:19 actual RJAK: The Turkish state attacks Shengal with the mentality of ISIS
13:24 actual Iran: 225 people, mostly Kurdish, arrested in July
12:15 actual Manbij liberated 7 years ago: I am happy but also feel the pain of losing my children
11:24 actual Genocide against Yazidis: Yazidis visit mass graves in Hardan village
10:23 actual Tunisia's first female prime minister sacked
09:47 actual Turkish court rejects indictment prepared against journalists
09:46 labor/economy Economic crisis affects beekeepers
15:14 actual Şenyaşar family prevented from entering building of Ministry of Justice
14:51 actual Yazidi youth hold march in Shengal
14:36 actual ‘A joint fight is needed against genocidal attacks’
13:27 actual Israel forces kill another Palestinian child
12:27 labor/economy Palestinian Girls’ Club seeks to create new job opportunities for women
10:42 actual Sudanese women hope to return their home
14:44 actual Iran to close government offices, banks and schools for 2 days due to extreme heat
14:15 actual Female prisoners put in solitary confinement for singing in Kurdish
14:14 actual Democratic Alevi Women's Union expresses solidarity with Yazidi and Afghan women
12:26 actual Two Iranian journalists sentenced to 8 years and 4 months in prison
12:15 actual Open letter from TAJÊ to countries officially recognizing genocide against Yazidis
10:54 actual Imprisoned journalist Dicle Müftüoğlu reelected as co-chair of DFG
10:37 actual Al-Hol Camp: Black truth of ISIS and states
17:25 actual Communication ban on women prisoners for commemorating those killed in Suruç
16:23 actual Ultrasound bra detecting breast cancer earlier
14:57 actual Yazidis file complaint against Turkey for its airstrike in 2021
13:37 actual Exhibition for Yazidis killed by ISIS in Shengal
13:28 politics Palestinian women face discrimination in politics
12:28 actual TJK-E calls for participation in demonstrations against Yazidi Genocide
10:57 community/life Meryem Ismail challenges weight lifting stereotypes
10:12 actual Hêza Şingalî: Yazidi women joining the YJŞ is a response to the genocide
14:46 actual ‘Daesh must be prosecuted for their inhuman crimes against us’
14:29 actual ISIS execute shepherd in Deir ez-Zor
15:36 actual Resistance in Akbelen Forest: Another attack of gendarme
13:46 actual Kurdish young people to take to streets for Abdullah Öcalan
12:29 actual UN chief calls for immediate climate action
11:23 actual Women of Manbij: Our wounds will not heal without the prosecution of ISIS