Latest News

15:36 actual Resistance in Akbelen Forest: Another attack of gendarme
13:46 actual Kurdish young people to take to streets for Abdullah Öcalan
12:29 actual UN chief calls for immediate climate action
11:23 actual Women of Manbij: Our wounds will not heal without the prosecution of ISIS
10:19 actual ‘Women will unite and overthrow the Taliban’
14:59 law Trials of two Iranian journalists held in Tehran
14:26 actual ‘Aid is sent to ISIS through the Barzani Charity Foundation'
12:53 art and culture Najla Abu Lahia starts cultural museum in Gaza by collecting more than 3,000 artifacts
12:48 actual Egypt: Girls married off because they viewed as economic burden
11:04 actual Palestinian child killed by Israeli forces in West Bank
10:25 ecology Environmental activist Deniz Gümüşel banned from entering Milas
09:36 actual ‘Education is like turning a light on in a dark house’
14:34 actual Closure of beauty salons in Afghanistan leaves 60,000 women unemployed
14:25 actual Journalist Evrim Kepenek detained in police raid on her home
14:17 actual 3 journalists detained in Ankara
09:56 actual RAWA expresses its solidarity with KJK
14:10 actual Life sentence for killer of Şimoni Diril
13:47 actual Indictment against journalists prepared
11:26 actual People suffer from siege imposed on Shahba
10:20 actual Two shepherds beaten, threatened with death in Gever
09:26 actual Zozan Bekir: The Rojava Revolution has united Kurdish people divided by the Treaty of Lausanne
14:51 community/life Women collect wild mountain thyme
13:39 actual LeMan and Bayan Yanı express their support to Başak Demirtaş
11:44 actual Woman shot to death in Duhok
11:16 actual Iranian activist Leyla Ziafar arrested in Tehran
11:01 actual Tunisian filmmaker: We will not give up on our achievements
09:47 actual ‘19 July Revolution gave another life to women’
15:02 actual Arab women start tent protest demanding freedom of Abdullah Öcalan
14:26 actual HDP Women’s Council: We stand by Başak Demirtaş
14:09 actual Sepideh Gholian’s right of defense violated
12:25 community/life Women face risk of harassment and rape in camps in Idlib
10:45 actual Gülşen Kandemir detained in Konya
10:36 actual Rural Women's Development Society seeks to promote women’s rights
09:40 labor/economy New cooperative in Amed: The aim is to make women's labor visible
15:47 actual Kurdish female activist Bayan Farajollahi arrested in Sanandaj
13:57 actual TAJÊ visits NGOs and political parties in Sulaymaniyah
13:41 actual Iran’s morality police resume patrols in Sanandaj
12:43 labor/economy Women working in agriculture in North Khorasan face labor exploitation
10:16 art and culture Stêra Zêrîn provides courses to young people
09:17 actual Journalist Neşe Budak: A serious isolation has been imposed in prison
15:49 actual Kurdish woman detained in Urmia
15:36 actual Soraya Qeytarani released on bail
15:14 politics Spokesperson of DBP Women’s Council: We will keep resisting
14:18 law Hearing of child abuse case adjourned to October 9
12:40 actual Minibus carrying agricultural workers overturned: 24 injured
12:38 actual Women resisting in Sheikh Maqsood: We resist for freedom
10:23 actual ‘Safety must be ensured for women and children living in tent cities’
10:17 actual 'We are happy to live without government oppression'
15:23 actual Cases of scabies and lice increase in areas affected by February 6 earthquakes
14:51 actual Young women come together at Martyr Delal Şoreş Jineology Camp