Latest News

13:35 community/life Lack of clean water in Idlib’s IDPs camps causes spread of infectious diseases
11:33 community/life Gazan woman treats gynecological diseases by applying cupping therapy
10:25 actual ‘We will actualize the philosophy of leader Apo’
15:12 actual HDP names new co-chairs
14:19 actual Political prisoner Shakila Monfared faces new charge
13:50 actual Iranian artist Elham Modaresi leaves Iran to undergo liver transplant
11:21 actual 2 police officers, watchman arrested for attacking women in Ankara
10:33 actual Journalists’ organizations condemn drone attack on vehicle of JIN TV
09:35 ecology Environmental activist Deniz Gümüşel: Trees in Akbelen and Cudi are siblings
14:29 actual Women Journalists' Union: We will keep unveiling the crimes of the Turkish state
12:56 actual ‘The unity of women’s organizations is important to ensure freedom’
12:09 actual Shaima Jamil: Domestic violence is seen as normal
09:47 actual AANES condemns attack on vehicle of JIN TV
09:04 art and culture Children in Makhmour breathe life into their neighborhood with their art
08:51 actual Turkish drone targets vehicle of JIN TV, kills press worker
15:37 art and culture Fayrouz Rishk: My poems are about the sufferings of my people
14:47 ecology Centuries-old oak trees cut down in Rojhelat Kurdistan
13:03 actual Mahsa Yazdani arrested in Iran for seeking justice for her killed son
12:40 actual Two women detained in Antep subjected to strip search
11:32 actual Members of Peace Mothers’ Initiative die in car accident
10:55 actual MKM demands immediate release of Kurdish musician Emel Çiftçi
10:54 actual Dead bodies of human rights activist and her husband found in Iran
09:55 actual ‘I do not give up on science’ says Afghan woman Farida Tejali
14:58 law Women’s rights violated in Kurdistan Region
13:36 art and culture Old woman passes traditional Kurdish ‘Deq’ tattoo down to next generations
13:34 actual 10-year-old child shot dead by Iran’s security forces
13:09 actual 8 women arrested for protesting Taliban
11:00 actual Woman killed in attack on car in West Bank
10:36 actual Kurdish musician Emel Çiftçi sent to prison
10:34 community/life She lives in tent since returning to her village four years ago
15:00 actual Emine Şenyaşar keeps seeking justice in Ankara
14:59 actual Kurdish musician Emel Çiftçi taken into custody
14:43 actual Amnesty International: The cruelty of the Iranian authorities knows no bounds
14:40 actual ‘A network should be established to provide support to Palestinian women’
13:45 labor/economy Kongra Star provides employment opportunity to women
11:09 actual Soldiers loot fruit gardens, cut down dozens fruit trees in Xizan
09:22 actual Arzu Temo: Social awareness should be developed against femicide
11:39 art and culture Sound Rise: Short film on 'Jin Jiyan Azadi' uprising
11:08 actual Second day of conference held in Beirut
10:24 actual 11 people detained in Hakkari released
10:21 community/life Fatma Kara dreams of returning to her village with her granddaughter
08:42 actual Zelal Ayman: Women Deliver 2023 Conference was a successful conference
17:10 actual Lawyers prevented from being in solidarity with Şenyaşar family
15:31 actual HDP files criminal complaint against Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs
14:44 actual ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ Conference kicks off in Beirut
13:37 actual ‘A strong network of Afghan and Yazidi women should be formed’
12:10 actual Baha'i psychologist arrested in Iran
10:51 actual People in Bitlis subjected to torture, detention, arrest
09:46 actual 13 people detained in Hakkari released
14:54 actual Iran: More than 15 women activists arrested this week