Latest News

12:29 sport First woman riding instructor in Palestine: Mayar Al-Ayayda
11:03 actual Turkey: 32 women killed in September
10:52 art and culture Her interest in children’s literature drives her to write
09:34 art and culture Resistance against assimilation: FilmAmed
14:47 law Public prosecutor batters female forensic physician in Mardin
14:28 actual Turkey: 112 detained in three days
12:30 actual Teenage girl hospitalized by Iran’s morality police
12:28 art and culture Platform for women artists to address women’s issues: Atelier Gaza
10:51 actual Mitra Nasır whose brother killed by Taliban: ‘I will always hate the Taliban’
09:45 actual Nagihan’s colleagues shoulder her struggle
14:38 actual Families in Iran worry about sending their daughters to school
13:37 actual At least 463 people detained by Iranian security forces in September
13:35 actual ‘We will not stop until we rescue all Yazidi women held captive by ISIS’
12:33 actual Women journalists in Sweida: We work to make the voices of our people heard
11:10 actual Libya floods kill 4,255
10:43 actual Zozan Sîma: We will bring the killers of Nagihan Akarsel and other women to account
15:10 actual Open letter from International Initiative Justice for Nagihan Akarsel
14:38 actual Death toll in suicide attacks in Pakistan rises to 65
14:36 actual Summary of proceedings against 5 MPs in Turkey
14:35 actual Psychological support to child survivors of floods in Libya
12:53 politics Women excluded from politics in Palestine
11:05 actual Many detained in house raids conducted in two cities
10:32 actual 3,500 students receive education in system based on democracy
14:57 actual Two-day strike in Iran’s Sistan and Baluchestan province to mark ‘Bloody Friday’
14:56 actual At least 52 killed in suicide bomb attack in Pakistan
13:23 actual Political women prisoners urge CPT to take immediate action
13:06 actual Yeni Yaşam newspaper employee Azime Bozkurt detained
10:59 labor/economy Mahiya Yusuf provides employment to women by opening restaurant in Mosul
10:39 actual Four Baha’i women arrested in Iran
09:52 politics Ayşe Hiso of PYD: The unity of people won in Deir ez-Zor
17:30 labor/economy Turkey: At least 1,803 agricultural workers die in last 10 years
15:17 actual Women of Sweida call on young people to return Syria
13:46 actual Women’s rights activist Julia Parsi arrested by Taliban
11:28 actual No news received from four women since their arrest in Iran
10:51 actual Morocco earthquake: Death toll rises to 2,960
10:25 actual Another Yazidi woman rescued from ISIS captivity
09:31 actual Afghanistan: 5 women, 2 girls killed in September
09:05 actual World March of Women to hold its meeting in Ankara on October 6
14:30 actual Kurdish politician Selma Irmak sentenced to four years and two months in prison
14:28 actual Three people kidnapped in occupied Afrin
14:24 actual Lida receives threats from Iran’s intelligence agencies: Those who fight for their freedom will definitely win
12:51 actual Women of Sweida: The injustice and oppression must stop
11:21 actual ‘We will not accept the policy of Turkification’
10:32 actual Reaction from Kurdish, Arab, Syriac women to attacks: They will fail
10:30 actual Fire at wedding hall in Mosul kills at least 100 people
09:17 actual Sudanese women: Conflicts must be immediately stopped
14:28 actual Afghan journalist Lailuma Sadid honored with Henri La Fontaine International Prize for Humanism
14:10 actual KJAR: Where is Verishe Moradi?
12:30 actual Palestinian women excluded from politics
10:58 actual ‘The people of Sweida see the Autonomous Administration as the solution’