Women to gather in Taksim tonight

Women will gather at Tunel Square near İstiklal Avenue for a march tonight at 19.00 despite the ban imposed by the Beyoğlu District Governorate.

News Center - The march scheduled to be held by the November 25 Women’s Platform tonight at 19.00 with the motto, “We do not silence for our freedom. We do not give up on our lives. We do not obey male-state violence” by the Beyoğlu District Governorate on the grounds that “It may cause public unrest, threaten internal peace and disrupt public order”. The platform applied to the Istanbul Courthouse in Çağlayan for the annulment of the ban.

Announcing that they do not recognize the ban on social media, the platform wrote, “We do not ask for permission. We want a life without violence. We will be at the Taksim Tunel at 19.00. You cannot ban the November 25th (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women). Despite all the bans, we will gather to raise our voices against violence.”