‘The Turkish state has violated international agreements’
Speaking about the ongoing Turkish attacks on North and East Syria, Judge Talîvan Berkel, who serves in the People's Court in Kobanê, said, “The Turkish state has violated international agreements.”

Kobanê - The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948 with a vote of 48 countries and eight abstentions in Paris. Human Rights Day has been celebrated around the world on December 10 every year since 1950. Talîvan Berkel, serves as a judge at the Peoples’ Court in Kobanê, evaluated the ongoing Turkish attacks and rights violations committed by the Turkish state in North and East Syria.
‘Everyone has the right to life’
After talking about the history of Human Rights Day, Talîvan Berkel said that everyone has the right to life. Talîvan Berkel pointed out that people should not be deprived of their right to life wherever they are in the world, adding, “As the Autonomous Administration, our system is based on the Democratic Nation project, so all of our laws and regulations protect human rights. People from all nations and religions practice their values, language, culture and belief in a democratic and equal system.”
‘The Turkish state has violated international agreements’
Pointing to the rights violations committed in NE Syria, she said, “The Turkish state has attacked North and East Syria for a long time. The Turkish state is one of the states voted in favor of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it signed and ratified many agreements and conventions on human rights; however, it has violated international agreements and conventions. In its attacks, the Turkish state targets all people of North and East Syria. It has already occupied many areas and it wants to occupy more areas in North and East Syria. These attacks openly violate all UN agreements and conventions. In addition, it also violates the rights of children, women and nature. Dozens of children have been killed and injured in the Turkish attacks until now. Nature has been plundered. We can see this in Afrin.”
‘There are documents proving rights violations’
Calling on the UN General Assembly, Talîvan Berkel said, “The United Nations are responsible for the protection of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. All international organizations and human rights organizations have witnessed the Turkish attacks on the people of North and East Syria. Everyone knows that the international law has been violated by the Turkish state. However, everyone, unfortunately, remains silent against these attacks. The related parties should be aware of their responsibilities and bring the Turkish state to account. There are documents proving the rights violations committed by Turkey. For this reason, we demand the end of its attacks on North and East Syria.”