Families of prisoners: We demand justice
The families of prisoners, who demand the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, demand the promises given to them be kept.

Amed - The Justice Watch started by the families of prisoners demanding the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, has entered its 387th day.
Today, the families gathered in front of the Diyarbakır Courthouse to demand the release of prisoners. The families were supported by the members of the Association for Assistance to Prisoners' Families (TUAY-DER), the Association of Assistance, Solidarity, Unity and Culture with Families Losing Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER), the Mesopotamia Language and Culture Research Association (MED-DER), the Human Rights Association (IHD), the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and HDP Amed Provincial Co-chairs Gülistan Atasoy and Zeyyat Ceylan.
‘Keep your promises’
Reşahat Ada, sister of sick prisoner Hamdusena Ada, read the statement. “We demand the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, in front of the courthouse. Sick prisoners should not be taken to hospital in handcuffs. How can they receive treatment while they are handcuffed? We demand the end of the oppression in prisons. We will defend the rights of our relatives in prisons. We call on all political parties and our people to support our action. There is no justice and law in this country. All we demand is equality, peace and freedom,” she said in the statement.