‘Silence increases violence and harassment against women in the streets’
Women's rights activist Mahosh Khani thinks that silence increases violence and harassment against women in the streets, calling on women not to remain silent against “violence and harassment.”

Sanandaj- Women are subjected to violence and harassment everywhere; at home, work, in public. Women are also subjected to violence and harassment in the streets. Mahosh Khani, a women’s rights activist in Sanandaj, thinks that women do not trust their society due to violence experienced by them in the streets.
‘Women are taught to fear’
Violence in the streets is used to put women under social oppression, she said. “Instead of supporting women to overcome crises faced by them, society teaches women how to fear. The crimes committed by men against women are ignored due to the patriarchal mindset and women are blamed even if they are subjected to these crimes.”
‘Women remain silent due to lack of support’
A reform in education is a must to eliminate violence against women, Mahosh Khani said, stressing that she had been also subjected to harassment in the streets many times.
“Women remain silent when they are subjected to violence and harassment in the streets because they are afraid of being blamed and labeled. They are afraid to speak out because they think they will not get support from those around them. Men drivers harass women in the streets by honking horns and turning on the headlamps. Women are subjected to verbal or physical harassment in public transportation.”
‘Silence normalizes violence and harassment’
Mahosh Khani emphasized that silence against sexual harassment and violence in the street causes the increase in violence and harassment in the streets. “There is no mention of sexual harassment in the Islamic Penal Code. However, Article 224 of the Islamic Penal Code is specific about rape and according to this article, if proven in court, the defendant will be sentenced to death,” she said, stressing that silence normalizes violence and harassment in the streets. “Women should not remain silent against violence and harassment in the streets.”
She subjected to harassment while going to work
Sahar M., who works as a secretary in an office, is subjected to harassment every day while going to work. “No matter what I wear, street harassment never stops! Men drivers honk horns and turn on the headlamps but I have to remain silent and ignore them.”