Fight for gender equality continues in Morocco
The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (ATEC) aims to achieve gender equality and combat violence against women in Morocco since it was founded in 2003.

Morocco- The Tahadi Association for Equality and Citizenship (ATEC), a NGO founded in Morocco in 2003, provides legal and psychological support to victims of gender-based violence. “The association aims to strengthen the status of women in society,” said Raja Hamin, social worker at the association.
Growing up in an environment that believes in human rights and women's rights, Raja Hamin said, “Since I was young, I have wanted to listen to people and help them to overcome the problems faced by them.” Raja Hamin received several training courses at the association to use active listening skills and learn more about international conventions. “You should be patient because most of the women coming to the association are the survivors of gender-based violence.”
The association has been combating gender-based violence for 21 years
Raja Hamin also mentioned the activities of the association to combat gender-based violence.
“The association was founded in 2003 and it has worked to improve the status of women and advocate for their issues, with the aim of achieving gender equality in Moroccan society. The association has two listening centers and these centers provide legal, psychological support to women victims of violence. The association also carries out activities to promote women’s economic empowerment, advocate for women’s rights and to change the patriarchal mindset that prevents women from achieving their rights. Our aim is to achieve gender equality, combat violence against women and improve the status of women in Morocco.”
‘We always have hope for a better life ’
We will continue to work to ensure that the next generations will have a better life, said Raja Hamin. “We are optimistic and always have hope for a better life for women. Morocco needs laws that protect women and girls from violence. We wish all women and girls to have a society that believes in women's rights and respects their identity. Our association calls on all women to support the struggle for achieving gender equality.”