‘Relevant organizations should fulfill their responsibilities for Afrin’
“We call on the relevant institutions and organizations to fulfill their responsibilities for the people of Afrin,” said Zeyneb Silêman, pointing to the rights violations committed by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions in Afrin.

Shahba- Since the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions occupied the Afrin Canton of North and East Syria, the people of Afrin have been subjected to many rights violations, massacres, torture, arrests and attacks. In addition to the attacks on the people of Afrin, the history and nature of the canton have also been destroyed and plundered. Families of those arrested on false allegations are asked for ransom for the release of their relatives. The Turkish-backed factions demand taxes of 100-200 dollars from the people in the name of “public security”. In addition, those who go to Afrin are detained and their families are asked to pay between 3,000 and 4,000 dollars in exchange for their release. The Suleiman Shah Brigade (known as al-Amshat) and the Hamza Division (known as al-Hamzat) also collect large amounts of taxes from the people in the villages and demand the villagers to pay the taxes without delay. The villagers have to sell their properties to pay such high taxes.
‘What is happening in Afrin is the violation of international law’
“Since the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions occupied Afrin, they have committed many crimes against the people and nature of Afrin. Civilians are kidnapped, tortured and arrested and the trees are cut down,” said Zeyneb Silêman, member of the Afrin-Shahba Human Rights Organization. “What has been happening in Afrin is the violation of international law and conventions. The Turkish-backed factions set fire to trees in Afrin. Those who tried to extinguish the fire were arrested. Their families are asked to pay a ransom for the release of their relatives.”
‘They collect taxes from every family’
Speaking about the taxes collected by the Turkish-backed factions from the people of Afrin, Zeyneb Silêman said, “In August, the Turkish-backed factions carried out many attacks in Afrin. They demand a tax of at least 100 dollars from each family and a tax of 200 dollars from shopkeepers in Shiye and Mabata town of Afrin. These factions demand taxes from the people to ‘ensure public safety’. Even those who open water wells are asked to pay a tax. These factions also kidnap people to ask for ransom from their families.”
‘They demand a tax for each olive tree’
As olive harvest season is approaching, the Turkish-backed factions produce new taxes. “They demand a tax for each olive tree. In addition, the factions demand the income for half of the olive trees for themselves every year in Afrin. The rights violations against the people of Afrin must be documented,” said Zeyneb Silêman.
Zeyneb Silêman concluded her speech by calling on the relevant institutions and organizations to fulfill their responsibilities and “reveal the truth of the occupation in Afrin. Although we have already documented the rights violations in Afrin and sent a report to the relevant institutions and organizations, there is silence. They should take immediate action against the rights violations in Afrin.”