Latest News

14:07 labor/economy Egyptian carpenter Fatima Sharif breaks stereotypes
12:25 actual Gabonese student murdered in Turkey to be buried in Gabon
11:43 actual More than 1.5 million voters living abroad cast their votes in presidential runoff
11:41 actual Simultaneous house raids in 5 cities: Many detained
11:39 actual Resistance in Makhmour forces Iraq to negotiate
09:37 actual Women call to end crimes committed against humanity in Afrin
14:48 actual Şenyaşar family seeks justice for 791 days
14:14 law Moroccan violence survivors face barriers when they try to report violence
14:06 actual Martyrs of May commemorated in Izmir
13:00 actual Iranian prisoner referred to psychiatrist even though she does not suffer any mental illness
12:32 actual Operation based in Ankara: 19 people detained in 5 cities
11:25 actual Grave of Jina Mahsa Amini destroyed
10:40 actual People cannot access to medicine in Kermanshah
10:38 actual People of Makhmour keep watch all night against siege
09:17 labor/economy Women of Kobanê start harvesting legumes
15:51 actual Search for justice, truth against forced disappearances continues
14:15 actual Iran executes three protesters
13:51 actual Relatives of prisoners subjected to strip search
13:39 actual Sebahat Tuncel: May 14 is not the end, but the beginning
12:44 actual Iran warns unveiled women by hanging notices in shop windows
10:28 actual Foreign votes cause Green Left Party to lose three seats in parliament
10:10 actual Jineology Academy: We remember the wise Maria Mies with respect and gratitude
08:58 actual Syrian earthquake survivors: We could not find any place to take shelter
15:39 actual Iranian regime uses death penalty as tool of political repression
15:03 actual Şenyaşar family to seek justice in Ankara and Urfa
14:14 actual 10-year prison sentence given to Kadir Şeker upheld
14:01 politics Cîhan Derwîş: People still face inhuman practices in Afrin
12:35 actual Reaction from Yazidi women to Turkish attacks: We will not leave Shengal
11:26 actual Recent Israeli attacks on Gaza leave four siblings with special needs homeless
09:28 actual ‘Syrian government’s siege of Shahba aims to displace the people of Afrin again’
15:46 actual Sick prisoner in Iran taken back to prison without receiving treatment
14:07 actual Journalist Dicle Müftüoğlu: We will not keep silent
13:51 actual Armored vehicle injures 5-year-old child in Silopi
12:33 actual Turkish artillery targets civilians in Ayn Issa again
12:30 labor/economy Women make living from growing black grapes
12:28 community/life Syrian Free Women's Foundation provides vocational training courses to women
11:15 actual Democratic nation project gives priority to education
14:46 actual Silvan Co-mayor Naşide Toprak acquitted
13:09 actual “I'm tired, they stole my youth,” says letter left by young woman committing suicide in Istanbul
12:27 actual Street in Vienna to be named after Jina Mahsa Amini
11:52 actual Iranian labor activist Anisha Assadollahi sentenced to more than 5 years in prison
11:10 actual Amnesty International: 883 people were executed in 20 countries in 2022
10:21 community/life Libyan researcher: Women are excluded from some professions
08:59 actual Evîn Paşo: Don’t keep silent about the arrest of Azime Arsun
15:46 actual Men kill 6 women in NE Syria since beginning of 2023
15:24 actual Şenyaşar family to hold their protest for justice in parliament
15:22 actual 3 members of Spanish delegation deported
14:35 actual Interview with Palestinian woman about Nakba
13:31 actual Activists held in Evin prison deprived of their right to make phone calls
11:57 actual Iranian teacher Ateke Rajabi released on bail