Latest News

09:18 actual ‘We will unite for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan’
08:46 actual Tunisian activist: Women are subjected to many forms of violence
10:45 actual HEDEP to kick of its activities against gender-based violence in front of Sincan Prison
10:18 actual ‘Women’s shelters in the Kurdistan Region do not protect women’
09:45 actual ‘The right to life of earthquake survivors is ignored’
08:26 actual Mother of Zeynep Saroxan: Erdoğan must be held accountable in international court
14:14 actual Women come together at workshop held in Raqqa
13:55 actual ‘More awareness-raising activities should be carried out to prevent early marriages’
13:18 actual Zahra Saeedianjoo arrested again
13:16 actual Three women journalists arrested in Iran
12:10 art and culture 16th International Women's Film Festival of Salé kicks off in Morocco
10:21 labor/economy Saffron produced by women in Rojhelat Kurdistan
08:50 community/life Iran Dress Code causes vitamin D deficiency in women
15:06 actual NuJINHA reporter injured in Gaza
14:59 actual Hourieh Mohseni released on bail
14:55 art and culture Festival held in Tell Brak brings different cultures together
14:52 actual ‘The initiative launched for displaced people in Gaza and Southern Lebanon is growing’
11:38 actual ‘Awareness against gender-based violence is important’
11:33 actual Women Council of PYD launches ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadi’ campaign
08:51 actual Psychologist Fadime Temel: Social solidarity is important for healing from trauma
14:26 actual Women protest release of specialist sergeant accused of sexual assault
13:47 actual Noushin Jafari arrested while attempting to visit Narges Mohammadi at hospital
13:25 labor/economy Syrian women create different alternatives against economic crisis
11:47 actual Afghan women refugees live through difficult conditions in Iran
10:45 actual 35th day of Israel’s attacks on Gaza
09:26 law 9 TJA activists released from prison
09:10 actual 8 months after earthquake, survivors struggle to survive
14:26 law Journalist Safiye Alağaş stands trial
14:13 law Hearing of 18 journalists postponed
13:44 actual Webinar on judicial decisions to promote women’s rights in Tunisia and Morocco
10:20 actual Retired teachers in Idlib receive no salary: We want to have a life with dignity
09:12 actual Dead body found under earthquake rubble in Turkey after 275 days
08:38 actual Women in NE Syria to hold activities against attacks on November 25
14:45 actual Iranian activist Donya Hosseini released on bail
14:21 actual Supreme Court of Iran rejects Saeeda Shafiei’s request for retrial
13:03 politics Protest with white head scarves during budget talks at Turkish parliament
11:39 actual Call for participation in second hearing of 18 journalists
11:33 labor/economy Cotton harvest starts in Raqqa
10:01 actual Tunisian activist: ‘We still have a long road with lots of ups and downs’
08:12 labor/economy Displaced women of Afrin earn living by making pomegranate juice
13:54 art and culture Women display their handmade products at festival in Tehran
13:17 actual Norwegian Nobel Committee urges Iran to provide medical assistance to Narges Mohammadi
13:15 actual Former BDP Co-chair Emine Ayna sentenced to more than 2 years in prison
11:19 actual Communes build new life based on coexistence in Manbij
10:19 ecology ‘Derna should be reconstructed’
09:11 actual ‘Appointed trustees serve special warfare, not the public’
13:35 actual Iranian journalist Negar Ostad Agha taken to Gharchak Prison
13:33 actual Morocco earthquake leaves women unemployed
11:29 actual Women of Rojhelat: Where is Verishe Moradi?
11:00 actual Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi arrested in West Bank