‘I want my writings and poems to contribute to Kurdish language and literature’

“I want my writings and poems to contribute to Kurdish language and literature,” said Diyala Elî, a young writer and poet from the town of Çilaxa (Al-Jawadiyah), Qamishlo.


Çilaxa (Al-Jawadiyah)- Diyala Elî (26), who studied law, has been working as a Kurdish language and literature teacher since she graduated from the Rojava Teacher Training Academy. She also writes short stories and poems.

‘I have been interested in literature since my childhood’

 Diyala Elî’s interest in writing started at a very young age. “I have loved writing and been interested in literature since my childhood. My family always supports me. My father is also a writer and thanks to him, I love poems and literature. I used to keep diaries, writing about memories, feelings, and events. Then, I have taken part in two writing contests in Rojava and won.”

‘I want to write in my native language’

I express myself better while writing in Kurdish, she told us. “Since Kurdish is my native language, I, of course, prefer to write in Kurdish. Kurdish language is a part of our personality, our life and our existence on earth. Writing poems has a special place for me. In my poems, I focus on social issues. In addition, I also write short stories about love, patriotism and people.”

‘I want my writings to exist in the future’

Speaking about her future goals, she said, “As a woman and a writer, I want my writings to exist in the future. I want my writings to make a difference in Kurdish language and literature. Young people should educate themselves, read books and improve themselves because countries cannot be protected by weapons. Even if there is war, peace and science will always prevail.”