Families of prisoners waiting for their voices to be heard for 358 days
The families of prisoners demanding the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, call on the authorities to implement laws

Amed -The Justice Watch started by the families of prisoners demanding the release of sick prisoners and the prisoners, who are not released despite having completed their sentences, has entered its 358th day.
Today, the families have gathered in front of the Council of Forensic Medicine (ATK) in Diyarbakır to issue a statement. The members of the Association for Solidarity with Families of Arrestees (TUAY-DER) and the Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Unions (KESK) Amed branch.
“We have left no stone unturned”
İnci Güler, sister of Abdülselam Güler, made a speech. In her speech, she pointed out that their justice watch is about entering its first year. “We have been holding our justice watch for about a year. We have left no stone unturned. However, the promises given to us haven’t been kept. For years, we have said that there are prisoners who suffer from cancer. We are always told, ‘We stand by you’, but they do not take any step. We call on the Ministry of Justice to implement laws,” she said.