Evîn Aydin: We must build peace, security and unity
A delegation of the United Kurdish Women's Platform has visited many organizations in the Kurdistan Region. “We must build peace, security and unity,” said Evîn Aydin, a member of the platform.

Sulaymaniyah- A delegation of the United Kurdish Women's Platform has visited many organizations in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, cities of the Kurdistan Region, for a week. The delegation consists of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Şırnak MP Nuran İmir, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Deputy Co-chair Gülşen Sincar, United Kurdish Women's Platform member Evîn Aydin and Kurdistan Freedom Party member Zeynep Dinçer.
The delegation still have meetings
Until now, the delegation members have visited Iraqi Ministry of Finance, the Communist Party of Kurdistan, the Supreme Council of Women in the Kurdistan Region, Şanaz İbrahim Ehmed in Sulaymaniyah, the Islamic Union of Kurdistan Sisters, the female members of Tevgera Gorran (Change Movement), Kurdistan Free Women's Movement (RJAK) and Kurdish Women’s Relations Office (REPAK).
In an interview with NuJINHA, Evîn Aydin, member of the United Kurdish Women’s Platform, talked about their aims of establishing the platform. “The platform makes efforts to unite Kurdish people. Women have been fighting oppression and persecution for centuries. Our aim is to solve problems faced by women. The aim of the platform is to build unity among Kurdish women and people.”
‘Women migrated to have a peaceful life’
Mentioning women victims of violence in Kurdistan and other countries, Evîn Aydin said, “The unity of the Kurdish women is important. Their unity is essential. The solution of all problems is unity for Kurdish people and women. Our platform aims to build the unity of the Kurdish people all around the world. We know that Kurdish women live in four parts of Kurdistan. They migrated to have a peaceful life. For this reason, we must build peace, security and unity in our country.”
‘Kurdish women have been persecuted for centuries’
Evîn Aydin concluded her speech by saying, “As Kurdish women, we have been persecuted everywhere for centuries. We have lost our children. Our children have been subjected to rape and violence. Today, Kurdish women, mothers stand against the persecution.”