Palestinian women face discrimination in politics
Palestinian political activist Mona Abu Shaban says that Palestinian women face discrimination in politics and that they are still underrepresented on electoral lists despite a 30% quota for women.
Gaza- Palestinian women, who have been struggling to achieve their rights for years, face discrimination in many fields such as economy, politics, and decision-making positions.
Feminist politician Mona Abu Shaban mentioned how women’s political participation is important. “Women’s participation in the Palestinian Legislative Council, government and decision-making positions is essential for a free future,” she said.
‘NGOs must support women’
Emphasizing that women's political rights should be guaranteed, Mona Abu Shaban said, “Palestinian laws must comply with fair, equal international conventions protecting women's rights. Amendment of laws is insufficient, campaigns and activities must be carried out to raise awareness about how women’s political participation is essential. The discrimination preventing women from obtaining equal opportunities in politics must be eliminated in order to ensure gender equality and to promote women’s economic empowerment. NGOs must unite and support women participating in politics.”
‘The patriarchal mentality is the biggest obstacle’
Highlighting that the patriarchal mentality imposed in the name of traditions and customs is the biggest obstacle faced by women in politics, Mona Abu Shaban said, “Social and cultural difficulties represented by outdated customs and traditions are the biggest obstacles against women’s political participation. Because men believe that women are incapable of holding decision-making positions. The majority of society rejects the idea of women being candidates for elections and holding high political positions.
“30% quota for women is insufficient’
Mona Abu Shaban underlined that the women's quota is important for women to hold decision-making positions, to increase their participation in politics and to ensure justice and equality.
“However, Palestinian women are still underrepresented on electoral lists despite the 30% quota for women. The percentage of women’s representation in the Palestinian Central Council (PLO) is 23% while their percentage in the Palestinian Legislative Council is 19%. However, since the resignation of women’s rights advocate Hanan Ashrawi from her senior post in the Palestine Liberation Organization, women have no representation. Palestinian women seek to achieve gender equality by guaranteeing social, economic and political justice. More women must hold high decision-making positions to make their voices heard.”