Child laborers in Lebanon need help now
Nazha Shalita, Head of Child Labor Unit Ministry of Labor, emphasized that the number of children in child labor has increased Lebanon and she called on international organizations to give moral and material support.

Beirut– The number of children in child labor increasing day by day. Nazha Shalita, Head of Child Labor Unit Ministry of Labor, called on international and national organizations to take immediate measures against the unavoidable increase in child labor.
Stating that the Covid-19 pandemic causes children to be out of school all around the world, Nazha Shalita said, “The Covid-19 pandemic causes children to be out of school. In addition, the explosion occurred on August 4, 2020, in the Port of Beirut drove children into work. According to a national survey conducted in 2016-2017, the number of children in child labor in Lebanon was more than 33.000, and this rate has increased by 20-30 percent today. And this means the number of children in child labor in Lebanon is now between 45 and 50 thousand. This number is more than 100.000 when we add the refugee children in child labor.” In Lebanon, children working under the age of 18 are illegal; the laws also don’t allow those under the age of 16 to be employed in heavy and dangerous works.
Pointing to their cooperation with the General Directorate of General Security, Nazha Shalita said, “The ministry's capabilities are limited in this matter, as there are only about 30 or 40 inspectors across Lebanon. But we have cooperation and coordination with the General Directorate of General Security. We formed a joint committee with them to amend laws about child labor, particularly in the agricultural sector.”
They try to find solution
Indicating that they have worked to find a solution to end child labor, Nazha Shalita said, “Inspections are carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs through employees and local associations. We try to find alternatives to prevent children from working.”
Call for moral and material support
Nazha Shalita told us that they haven’t received any support from international organizations since 2019 due to their budget shortcomings. Nazha Shalita called on all international organizations to give moral and material support to help children laborers. “We try to raise public awareness of child labor and various immediate measures that can be undertaken to preserve the inalienable rights of all children in Lebanon. The national and international organizations just produce slogans but they should take immediate measures to end child labor.”
Children are subjected to abuse and rape
“Children are subjected to abuse and rape at workplaces,” Nazha Shalita said, “What are national and international organizations do to prevent such incidents? We have difficulties finding financial support. We call on international organizations; if you don't fulfill your role today, when will you? Children need help now.”