Child killed by armored vehicle, his father found to be “primary negligent party”
Five-year-old Efe Tektekin was hit and killed by an armored vehicle belonging to the police in 2019. After an investigation on the scene, Efe’s father Ahmet Tektekin has been found to be the “primary negligent party” for not protecting his son.

Five-year-old Efe Tektekin was hit and killed by an armored vehicle belonging to the police in 2019. After an investigation on the scene, Efe’s father Ahmet Tektekin has been found to be the “primary negligent party” for not protecting his son.
Amed- Armored vehicles killed 40 people, including 20 children in the last 13 years in the Kurdish region. The last incident took place in the İdil district of Şırnak, seven-year-old Miraç Miroğlu was hit and killed by an armored vehicle. On September 11, 2019, an armored vehicle hit and killed five-year-old Efe Tektekin in the Bağlar district of Amed. After three years, an investigation was held on the scene and an expert's report was prepared into the incident.
The incident has been recorded as an “accident”
Efe Tektekin was hit by an armored vehicle while going to buy bread. He lost his life at a hospital due to cerebral hemorrhage. Police officer İ.A., the driver of the armored vehicle, was arrested and sent to prison and the child’s family filed a criminal complaint against the driver. An investigation was opened against him and the prepared indictment was accepted by the Diyarbakır 9th Criminal Court of First Instance. The incident has been recorded as an “accident” in the indictment.
Killed child and his father are the “primary negligent party”
The first expert’s report found the police officer to be the “contributory negligent party,” and Efe to be the “primary negligent party”. In April, the lawyers demanded an investigation be carried out on the scene. A new expert’s report was prepared in August. The new report claimed that Efe Tektekin’s father Ahmet Tektekin is the “primary negligent party”.
Father is guilty of not be on the scene!
The report says “Ahmet Tektekin was found to be the primary negligent party for not protecting the child and putting the child’s life safety in danger during the accident.” The police officer İ.A. was found to be the “contributory negligent party,” in the report.
The lawyers will object to the report