She stands on her own legs, provides employment opportunity for women

Yeter Tabancı opened a restaurant named, “Piraye Home cooking” to stand on her own legs and to provide employment opportunity for women. She sells food cooked by women in their houses. “For a woman, earning her own money is a nice feeling. No women should depend on someone,” said Tabancı.


Amed –You can see working women having their economic freedom everywhere in Diyarbakır. Yeter Tabancı is one of these women. She opened a restaurant named “Piraye Home cooking” to stand on her own legs. She sells food cooked by women in their houses and in this way she provides employment opportunities for women. “I decided to do this job after getting bored of sitting at home. My children grew up and I was staying at home alone. I opened such a place to enter business life. My children and my husband supported me to open this place,” said Yeter Tabancı, who opened the restaurant two years ago along with one of her female friends.

“Women work in all stages”

Yeter Tamancı told us that the number of their customers has increased in a short time and this makes them happy. She also stated that women work in all stages such as cooking foods, selling the food and that Piyade provides employment opportunity for women, “After opening this place, the number of our customers has increased in a short time, more people have started knowing us. We are happy to have so many customers. Doing this job makes me happy. I stand on my own legs and provide employment opportunities for women. We cook several meals in the restaurant other meals are cooked by women in their houses. They bring them to our restaurant and we sell them. Women cook and sell, in other words, women work in all stages. Our job is a difficult job but the difficulties we have faced never discourage us. When I stay at home, I get bored and I want to come to the restaurant. I become happy when people like our food.”

“Earning my own money is a nice feeling”

Yeter works and earns her own money, “For a woman, earning her own money is a nice feeling. I earn my own money by working here and I don’t depend on anyone. Not only me but also many women make a living by working here. I faced many criticisms but those who criticized me are now doing the same job. For this reason, women should begin to work. If they work, they will be a good model for their children and people around them.”