Women of Deir ez-Zor make living by reeds
Women living in the rural areas of Deir ez-Zor collect reeds on the shores of the river and use them to make many handicraft products.

Deir Ez-Zor- The women living in the villages of North and Syrian Deir ez-Zor city use reeds to make many handicraft products. They use reeds to make baskets, build mud brick houses and many other things. The women of Deir ez-Zor told us that making handicraft products by using reeds is a heritage left by their grandparents.
Source of living for many families
Sulala El-Hemed, who lives in the town of Mewazin, east of Deir ez-Zor, told us that many families earn a living by making handcrafted reed products. “I learned how to make handicraft products by using reeds from my mother and grandmother. Now, I earn a living by making handcrafted reed products. I collect reeds by the Euphrates River; however, there was not much reed this year because of the cutting off the water of the river.”
“Our hands are injured”
Stating that she makes 2-3 baskets every day, Sulala El-Hemed said, “There are two types of reed. One is straw and it is found only in winter. It is too firm to break. The second one is soft to break. I make and sell handcrafted reed products. While collecting reeds, our hands are injured. But we have to collect them to make a living.”