HPC-JIN members to voluntarily protect agricultural lands until harvest season

HPC-JIN members will voluntarily protect agricultural lands until harvest season against the attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on North and East Syria.


Hasakah- Agricultural lands in North and East Syria have been set on fire by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions for a long time. The people have formed commissions to keep watch by using their self-defense to protect their agricultural lands, their only means of livelihood.

The Women's Civil Defense Forces (HPC-JIN) has announced that its members will voluntarily protect the agricultural lands in Hasakah, a city in Jazira Canton of North and East Syria, until harvest season. The HPC-JIN will work in cooperation with the firefighters to intervene in all kinds of fires.

‘Everyone must protect our agricultural lands and crops’

We work to protect our people against all kinds of threats, said Rima Fayyad, member of the HPC-JIN. “I have been a member of the HPC-JIN for three years. We organize regular patrols every year to protect agricultural lands. We will patrol until the crops are harvested. Everyone must protect our agricultural lands and crops. I call on all women and young people to join the HPC and the HPC-JIN to protect our lands. Let's build peace and stability together.”

‘We will protect our lands until the end of harvest season’

Protecting agricultural lands is the duty of all people, Amina Şehmus (55), a member of the HPC-JIN, emphasized, adding:

“We patrol to protect the agricultural lands. We are always ready to protect our lands. We voluntarily protect our lands and we will protect our lands until the end of harvest season. I call on our people to protect our means of livelihood together.”