Êzidî women call on all countries to recognize Êzidî genocide
Women of Shengal call on all countries to recognize the genocide against Êzidîs so that what Êzidî people faced seven years ago will not be forgotten. Êzidî Women's Freedom Movement (Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzidî /TAJÊ) members welcome the recognition of the Êzidî genocide by Belgium parliament and Dutch parliament.

Women of Shengal call on all countries to recognize the genocide against Êzidîs so that what Êzidî people faced seven years ago will not be forgotten. Êzidî Women's Freedom Movement (Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzidî /TAJÊ) members welcome the recognition of the Êzidî genocide by Belgium parliament and Dutch parliament.
Shengal – Seven years have passed since ISIS attacked Shengal. On August 3, 2014, ISIS attacked Shengal, brutally killed Êzidîs, abducted thousands of women, and forcibly displaced thousands of Êzidîs in front of the whole world. On July 1, the Foreign Relations Commission of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives unanimously approved a resolution recognizing ISIS crimes against the Ezidis in 2014 as genocide. On Tuesday (July 6), the Dutch parliament formally recognized the Êzidî genocide. Êzidî women welcome the recognition of Êzidî genocide by both the Belgium Parliament and Dutch Parliament. They call on all countries to recognize the genocide against Êzidîs. We spoke to Êzidî Women's Freedom Movement (Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzidî /TAJÊ) members about the recognition of the Êzidî genocide.
“It is a late decision, but a positive decision”
TAJÊ member Emşê Şengali stated that the decision of the Belgium Parliament and Dutch Parliament is a late decision but a positive decision. “We don’t understand how the world doesn’t recognize the genocide against us while the fate of thousands of our women, children, and people is still unknown, we still live on mass graves and tens of thousands of women have been enslaved. Everyone knows this genocide was not carried out only by Daesh but also many states and that’s why the states don’t recognize the crimes against us as genocide.”
“All countries should recognize the crimes against us as genocide”
Emşê Şengali emphasized that Shengal and the people of Shengal are also a part of the territorial integrity of Iraq, “Êzidîs living in Iraq remained passive in demanding, obtaining and gaining their rights, and they continue to remain passive. We can obtain our rights only by resisting and struggling. Êzidîs, who want to return Shengal shouldn’t wait for help, they should demand their rights and return.” Emşê Şengali called on all democratic states to recognize the Êzidî genocide.
“Daesh was not alone!”
Another TAJÊ member Canê Şengali told us that they suffered a lot during the attacks of ISIS on Shengal and that they will never forget what happened to them. “We shouldn’t forget!” Canê Şengali said, “Seven years have passed but the world still plays ostrich as before. Daesh was not alone, Turkey, Iraq, and KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) carried out a massacre against us, and everyone should remember this. Recognizing the genocide means recognizing those who carried out the genocide.” Canê Şengali told us that they will struggle and do their best for the crimes against them to be recognized as genocide by the whole world.