Yemeni short fictional film: Scene 2

Nour Sareeb
Tunisia – As a challenge to all economic and social obstacles, the Yemeni short fictional film called "Scene 2" discusses harassment against women without any blaming the victims.
The short film produced by "Youth of The World Together (YWT)" in Yemen and directed by Abdul Rahman Al-Ward starred the young actress Rawya Omar and Malak Al Sharafi. Fashion designer Sundus Al-Jaboubi and Marwa Qabati's makeup shows how Yemeni character is. The short film was shot in Yemen.
The film discusses harassment against women, indicates that this crime is committed by harassers, not by victims. The film shows how harassment affects women and supports women throughout its story.
The film also looks at the aspect of injustice against women due to ignorance and customs, which may end the lives of women in the name of honor, the laws cannot do anything to stop these crimes.
It is worth noting that the "Scene 2" was shown for the first time by Karama Human Rights Film Festival in December 2020 in Yemen and Abdul Rahman Al-Ward won the Barran Award for best fiction film at the festival.