‘Fîsik’: TV series by Avrîn Cinema Community addresses social issues

“Fîsik”, a 10-episode TV series by Avrîn Cinema Community based in the Afrin-Shahba canton, addresses social issues and oppression faced by the Kurdish people.


 Shahba- The Rojava-Avrîn Cinema Community has been shooting a 10-episode TV series called, “Fîsik” together with the Afrin-Shahba Culture and Art Movement. The series created by Şêrîn Reşîd and directed by Mehîdîn Erselen is based on toys. NuJINHA spoke to the members of the community about the series.

‘I wanted to write about the roles of women in the revolution’

“The revolution in Rojava is known as a women’s revolution,” said Şêrîn Reşîd, member of the Hîlala Zêrîn Cultural Movement and screenwriter of the series. “I wanted to write about the roles of women in the revolution. The idea of ​​writing such a series came to my mind at the Mîtan Festival (A theatre festival in Shahba).”

They made toys to shoot the series

Şêrîn Reşîd also talked about the challenges faced by her while writing the series. “Like many writers, I also faced many challenges while writing the series, mostly due to the ongoing war and displacement,” she said, adding that the series is based on toys. “I wrote 10 episodes. We made toys to shoot the series. The series addresses social issues and oppression faced by the Kurdish people. We think that the series will be liked and watched by many people.”

‘Fîsik means light and brightness’

 Speaking about the name of the series, Şerîn Reşîd said, “Fîsik means light and brightness. The series also tells of family conflicts. It is about the past and today. Our goal is to build democratic families in a free society. The series will broadcast soon and we hope it will also benefit families.”

It tells the roles in building democratic families

“This series is first of its kind in Rojava,” said Rûmet Beko, member of the Afrin-Shahba Theatre Community and leading actor in the series. “For the first time, toys are used to tell displacement. The series tells the story of a Kurdish mother, who passes down her culture, language, identity and existence to the next generations despite the oppression of the regime, how states implement oppressive policies against the Kurdish people in the four parts of Kurdistan, the struggle of Kurdish mothers against the patriarchal mindset and their role in building democratic families.”

‘Each episode gives a message’

The series tells the story of a family, she added. “When you watch the series, we will understand that it actually tells the story of Kurdistan. Hindê is a Kurdish mother playing a leading role in her family and educating her children to build a democratic family. The episodes tell stories about the lives of Kurds. Each episode gives a different message.”