Yazidi women collect signatures for recognition of Yazidi genocide
Members of the TAJÊ collect signatures for the petition calling on the Iraqi government and all countries to recognize the crimes committed against the Yazidi community by ISIS as a genocide.

Shengal (Sinjar)- The Shengal Autonomous Administration launched a petition on the 9th anniversary of the genocide committed against the Yazidi community by ISIS, demanding the Iraqi government and all countries recognize the crimes committed against the Yazidi community by ISIS as a genocide. As part of the petition, signatures will be collected until Çarşema Serê Nîsanê, also known as the Yazidi New Year celebrated on Wednesday at the beginning of April. 14 countries have already recognized that the crimes committed by ISIS against the Yazidis in 2014 constitute genocide. However, the Iraqi government has not recognize the crimes as a genocide yet, even though the genocide took place in Iraq.
The Shengal Autonomous Administration works coordinately with institutions and organizations to give information to people about the petition, calling on all Yazidis to support the petition. NuJINHA spoke to Yazidi women, who call on all Yazidis living abroad and IDPs camps to support the petition and demand the Iraqi government for officially recognition of the Yazidi genocide.
‘We must rebuild Shengal’
Zozan Simo, member of the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzîdî-TAJÊ), drew attention to the important role of women in collecting signatures for the recognition of the Yazidi genocide. “For 10 years, many Yazidis have lived abroad or IDPs camps,” she said. “As the Yazidi community, we have power to do everything if we unite. Many Yazidis currently live away from their homeland and the Iraqi government wants to close down all IDPs camps. As Yazidis, we must rebuild Shengal.”
‘Yazidis must rebuild their homeland together’
Indicating that people should be informed about the petition so that they support the petition, Zozan Simo said, “If all the Yazidis in Sinjar and all over the world do nothing for themselves today, the Iraqi government will not do anything for us. The Iraqi government has already rebuilt many cities looted and destroyed by ISIS. The displaced people of these cities have already returned to their homeland; however, no step has been taken for the rebuilding of Shengal yet. Therefore, Yazidis must rebuild their homeland together. I call on all Yazidis to support the petition started for the recognition of the Yazidi genocide.”
‘We will never surrender to the enemy’
The petition aims to put pressure on the Iraqi government to officially recognize the crimes committed against the Yazidi community by ISIS in 2014 as a genocide. “Unfortunately, the Iraqi government does not want to recognize the crimes against the Yazidi community as a genocide,” Zozan Simo said. “But we will never surrender to the enemy and we will fight until the genocide is officially recognized all around the world.”
‘I call on everyone to unite against the genocide’
“We visit home by home to give information about the petition and collect signatures,” said Sêvê Xelef, another member of the TAJÊ. All states, especially Iraq, must recognize the crimes against the Yazidi community in 2014 as a genocide. All Yazidis must unite for the recognition of the genocide. I call on everyone to unite against the genocide.”