Women's Time Association: More safe spaces should be created for women
“More safe spaces should be created for women,” said the report released by the Women’s Time Association.

Istanbul- The Women's Time Association (Turkish: Kadın Zamanı Derneği) has released its 7-month report (January-July) prepared by its Counseling Center. The report includes information about the implementation of Law No. 6284.
The report pointed out that women had to work without insurance due to fear of being fired and subjected to serious economic violence. The report stated that women who found jobs under difficult conditions faced high rents and they were subjected to harassment by homeowners when they wanted to rent a house.
“Single women are constantly harassed by homeowners wanting to increase house rents. There is a serious prejudice among homeowners against divorced women. Women who object to the increase in house rents, are forced to rent houses in unsafe areas.
‘Financial reasons are among the reasons for early marriages’
The report also mentioned the issue of early marriage. “The religious institutions often make statements about the marriage age and these statements encourage men to legitimize their demand. Each individual has the right to decide about his/her life. Financial reasons are among the reasons for early marriages.”
The report also touched upon the effects of the February 6 earthquake on women and girls, “Volunteer psychologists make great efforts to support women and girls affected by the earthquake.”
‘Failure in implementation of Law No. 6284 causes distrust’
“Victims of violence have no access to legal support,” the report said, “Failure in the implementation of Law No. 6284 causes distrust among women. Therefore, women victims of violence have to return to their home where they are subjected to violence. Women avoid taking steps to get support because they do not believe there is a system combating gender-based violence.”
In the report, the association called on the authorities to provide safe spaces for women. “More safe spaces should be created for women. The Women’s Time Association aims to prevent, combat and eliminate violence against women. We will keep struggling until violence against women ends and women have a livable world.”