Women’s programs for International Women’s Day in Turkey

In Turkey, women will take to the streets on International Women’s Day, March 8 in many cities such as İstanbul, Dersim, Ankara and Malatya. Women will shout their demands saying, “Insurance Jobs, Life without Violence, Organized Struggle”.
News Center- Many women’s organizations, including Platform for Mamak Associations and Unions, Esenyalı Women’s Solidarity Association, Women’s Platforms in Ankara, Izmir, and Antalya provinces will take to the streets on International Women’s Day, March 8. The women will shout their demands saying, “Insurance Jobs, Life without Violence, Organized Struggle”.
Women’s programs in cities are as follows;
*Upon the call of March 8 Women’s Platform
Date: Saturday, March 6
Hour: 16:00
Place: Besiktas Pier Square and Kadıköy Pier Square
*Online event by Ekmek ve Gül (Bread and Rose) Avcılar
Date: Monday, March 7
Hour: 17.00
Place: Instagram account of the organization: @ekmekvegulavcilar
*Event by Esenyalı Women’s Solidarity Association
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 18.30
Place: Esenyalı Neighborhood/Pendik
* Event by SES (Health and Social Workers' Union) Aksaray Branch
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 12.00
*Event by women of METU
Date: Friday, March 5
Hour: 14.00
Place: METU, in front of the Department of Mathematics
*March upon the call made by Platform for Mamak Associations and Unions
Date: Friday, March 5
Hour: 16.00
Place: Tekmezar Park
*March upon the call made by Ankara Women’s Platform
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 14.30
Place: Sakarya Avenue
*Meeting for March 8 by BORKAD
Date: Wednesday, March 3
Hour: 16.00
Place: TARGEV Park/ Atatürk Neighborhood
*March upon the call made by Izmir Women’s Platform
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 18.30
Place: In front of the building of ÖSYM.
*Meeting for March 8 by Antalya Women’s Platform
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 18.15
Place: In front of the Statue of Attalos
*Action by Edremit Women’ Platform for March 8
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 12.00
Place: Edremit Cumhuriyet (Republic) Square
*Press statement by Dersim Women’s Platform
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 12.00
Place: Seyit Rıza Square
*March upon the call made by Gaziantep Democratic Women's Platform
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 14.00
Place: Gathering at Kırkayak Park, the press statement at Balıklı Park
*Event by Ekmek ve Gül (Bread and Rose) Women’s Solidarity Association
Date: Saturday, March 6
Hour: 14.00
Place: In front of the building of Mukhtar in Yenikent
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 14.00
Place: Emeksiz
*Meeting for women
Date: Friday, March 5
Hour: 18.00
Place: Event area of the Yenişehir Municipality
*Feminist Night March
Date: Monday, March 8
Hour: 18.30
Place: Beşiktaş Square