Women's Coalition: Women should be able to participate in politics
On the 89th anniversary of the recognition of women’s rights to vote and to stand for election, the Women Coalition released a statement saying that women should be able to participate in politics with all their differences.

News Center- Women in Turkey gained their rights to vote and enter politics on December 5, 1934. Today marks the 89th anniversary of the recognition of women’s rights to vote and stand for election. In a statement, the Women’s Coalition, an independent women's platform in Turkey, emphasized that women should be able to participate in politics with all their differences.
‘Representation is not sufficient’
Indicating that representation is not sufficient, the statement said that women’s political participation is important to “protect our living spaces, to make women’s labor visible, to care about each other’s problems, to see our differences and be against all kinds of discrimination, to be those who create life, not those who are included, not only to participate in politics but to transform politics.”
‘A law guaranteeing equal political participation should be enacted’
Indicating that equal political participation is a civil right, the coalition said, “We have been advocating for years that a law guaranteeing equal political participation should be enacted. We announce that we will support female candidates defending gender equality in the local elections to be held in March 2024. We will keep struggling until we all achieve equality and freedom.”