Women of Shengal call on Yazidis to return to their homeland
Women living in Shengal call on the Yazidis, who had to leave their homeland due to the genocide against the Yazidi community, to return to their homeland in order to revive their values.

Shengal- Thousands of Yazidis, who are bound with their lands and religion, left their homeland due to genocidal and assimilation policies faced by them. Most of them went to other countries while some of them settled in the camps built for the internally displaced people in the Kurdistan Region. The Yazidis living in these camp are forced to leave the camps to other countries because they face abduction, rape and their tents are burned down. Women living in Shengal call on the displaced Yazidis to return to their homeland.
“We can preserve our culture by returning to our homeland”
Perîşan Şemo, a member of the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzîdî-TAJÊ) spoke about the forcibly displaced Yazidis and said, “Forcing Yazidis to leave their homeland is actually another genocide against them. Going to other countries is not a solution for us. Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan says that Yazidis can protect their homeland if they unite. The enemy aims to displace us from our homeland. We call on our Yazidi sisters and brothers to return to their homeland. Our homeland is more beautiful than other countries. If our young people go abroad, they will forget their culture, ideas and lands. In camps, our people are abducted and their tents are burned down. Recently, a six-year old Yazidi girl was raped and killed. Such incidents deeply saddened us. We call on the Yazidis living in the camps to return to their homeland. We can preserve our culture by returning to our homeland.”
“We must be organized”
Vejin Ocalan, a member of the Shengal (Sinjar) Women's Units (YJŞ) stated that migration is not a solution for Yazidis and that all Yazidis have grew up with a culture of resistance and that is why everyone should return to their lands. “Today, some of our people fight for this holy land while some of our young people are seeking a way to go abroad. Our young people turn their backs on their values and I think this is also a genocide. We should train ourselves and be more organized in order to fail the genocide committed against us on August 3 and avenge our martyrs.”
“The revolution becomes beautiful with women”
Noting that only young people can avenge the Yazidi community brutally attacked by ISIS, Vejin Ocalan said, “For this reason, the young people must return to their homeland. Our people, who live in tents, must return to their homeland. I call on all Yazidis to immediately return to their homeland and join YBŞ-YJŞ ranks in order to avenge the Yazidi community brutally attacked by ISIS in 2014. The revolution becomes beautiful with women. Especially women should join the ranks of YJŞ and protect their lands.”