‘We will avenge Benazir and all the killed Afghan women’
“We will avenge Benazir and all the killed Afghan women,” said the relatives of Benazir Ayoubi, 21-year-old woman killed by the Taliban in September 2023.

Kabul- The Taliban have left no space for women and girls since August 2021. Afghanistan has turned into a graveyard of women. Thousands of women have been killed in the country due to the policies of the oppressive and misogynous governments for more than 40 years: Farkhunda Malikzada and Rokhshana were stoned to death and dozens of women have been burned alive in the country.
On September 1, 2023, 21-year-old Benazir Ayoubi was killed by the Taliban in Kabul. Being only breadwinner for her family of five, Benazir fought misogynous laws of the Taliban. “Benazir went to a job interview. On her way back home, the members of the Taliban shot and killed her while chasing after a thief,” said her aunt, Parvin Estankzai, who works as a teacher in Kabul.
“My niece was only 21 years old. Like millions of Afghan girls, she was deprived of education. But she did not give up, she studied economics online and completed her education. The members of the Taliban left her in the street until she died. A taxi driver saw her and tried to help her. He called her family members and told them what had happened.”
‘They will not go unpunished’
The Taliban will never go unpunished for killing Benazir, Parvin Estankzai said. “As Afghan women, we swear we will avenge Benazir and all the killed Afghan women. The Taliban are the murderers of Benazir. We will overthrow the regime of the Taliban, the enemy of women.”