‘We must turn every day into a resistance against violence and discrimination’
“We must turn every day into a resistance against violence and discrimination,” said Xelîde Botî, coordinating member of Kongra Star in Hasakah.

Hasakah- The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25, is an important opportunity to strengthen women's organizations, make their voices heard and unite their demands.
November 25 was first declared as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women at the first Feminist Encuentro for Latin America and the Caribbean held in Bogota, Colombia in 1981 to honor the Mirabal sisters, three sisters who were assassinated on November 25, 1960 by Dictator Trujillo.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Xelîde Botî, coordinating member of Kongra Star in Hasakah, talked about their activities to mark November 25 and increase in gender-based violence.
Activities in villages, towns
Xelîde Botî started her speech by condemning violence against women, saying, “Women fight together against gender-based violence. Kongra Star will organize activities and events, in cooperation with NGOs and political parties, to raise awareness of violence against women. Meetings, seminars and training will be held in villages and towns of Hasakah. In addition, a three-day workshop on gender equality will be held for men.”
‘Women must unite occupation attacks’
Calling on all women of North and East Syria to take to the streets for their rights, Xelîde Botî said, “Women must unite to fight for freedom, against the patriarchal mindset and the occupation attacks of the Turkish state.”
‘We must turn every day into a resistance against violence and discrimination’
Women must unite to defend themselves and achieve social equality, Xelîde Botî said, “One day is insufficient to condemn violence against women and femicide. We must turn every day into a resistance against violence, femicide and discrimination.”