“We avenge the Yazidis who were sold in slave markets”
On the 8th anniversary of the Yazidi genocide, the people of Shengal held a march. TAJÊ member Mother Kinê said, “We avenge the Yazidis who were sold in slave markets.”

Shengal- Yesterday, the people of Shengal held a march to mark the 8th anniversary of the genocide committed against their community by ISIS. The march started in Yermuke and ended in front of the building of the Autonomous Assembly of Shengal. After the march, a minute's silence was observed.
“We will keep resisting”
The Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzîdî-TAJÊ) member Mother Kinê was one of the people, who made speeches after the march. Calling for the strengthening of the Yazidi institutions and organizations, she said, “Now, we avenge the Yazidis who were sold in slave markets. If we do not do something for us, no one will do it. As the Yazidis, we have been subjected to hundreds of edicts (genocide or massacre). The PKK did not exist during those edicts. The enemy uses the PKK as its excuse to attack our religion. We promise that we will keep resisting.”