TJK-E calls for participation in demonstrations against Yazidi Genocide

On August 3, demonstrations will be held across European countries to mark the genocide committed against the Yazidi community by ISIS on August 3, 2014. The European Kurdish Women's Movement (TJK-E) calls for participation in demonstrations.

News Center- The European Kurdish Women’s Movement (TJK-E) has released a written statement calling on everyone to take to the streets on August 3, on the anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide, for the Yazidi people.

‘We should struggle to build a safe future’

“As women’s organizations in Europe, we will take to the streets on August 3 on the anniversary of the genocide committed by ISIS against the Yazidi community in 2014. We strongly condemn the genocide, which is a continuation of the policies of persecution, rape, enslavement and de-identification for Yazidis,” the statement said.

Drawing attention to pain suffered by Yazidi women and girls, the statement added, “Thousands of Yazidi women and girls were sold in slave markets and sexually abused. Of the 3,548 women abducted by ISIS, only 1,207 have been rescued so far. No one knows if the women still held captive by ISIS are alive but their families still struggle to see, reunite with them.

“We call on all countries to officially recognize the atrocity of ISIS against the Yazidi community as a genocide and establish an international tribunal to prosecute ISIS members for their crimes against the Yazidi community.”

‘Airstrikes on Shengal must be stopped’

Emphasizing that they fight for justice, equality and freedom for all oppressed minorities, especially the Yazidi community, the TJK-E said, “Airstrikes against Shengal must be stopped to prevent further suffering and destruction. We call on everyone, especially women, to take to the streets across Europe with us on August 3.”

The places and hours of the demonstrations to be held on August 3 are as follows:



Hour: At 6pm.

Place: Darmstadt


Hour: At 6pm.

Place: Galerie platz


Hour: At 6pm.

Place: NI una Menos Platz/Liebfrauenberg


Hour: 6pm.

Place: Mercedo Altona


Hour: 7pm.

Place: Marktplatz


Hour: 6pm.

Place: Schloßplatz/Kobane Square


Hour: 6pm.

Place: Kampstraße 46


Hour: At 5pm.

Place: Bahnhofsplatz



Hour: 6pm.

Place: Helvetiaplatz


Hour: At 6:30 pm.

Place: Aarau Bahnhof


Hour: 6pm.

Place: In front of the Parliament Building.



Hour: At 4:30pm.

Place: Gare Gulimmnes



Hour: At 3pm.

Place: 10 Downing ST,  London SW 1A 2AA



Hour: At 5:30 pm.

Place: Sergelstorg.