Social media campaign to support Warisha Moradi

The Women’s Transnational Democratic Platform has launched a social media campaign calling on everyone to publish videos on social media platforms to demand the release of Warisha Moradi.

News Center- The Women’s Transnational Democratic Platform has launched a social media campaign demanding the release of Warisha Moradi, who has been on a hunger strike in Evin prison since October 10, 2024 to protest the death penalty in Iran.

 The platform calls on all activists, human rights organizations and women all around the world to publish videos on social media platforms, demanding the release of Warisha Moradi.

Many activists and women all around the world have published videos of themselves on social media platforms, demanding the release of Warisha Moradi.

“We know that Warisha is a successor of Shirin Alam Holi and Zeynab Jalalian and will never surrender,” Rozma, a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, said in a video on social media.

A video published by a human rights activist says, “Your eyes are full of the passion of resistance and the light of life, you are the meaning of resistance.”

“The voice for freedom cannot be silenced,” said another woman, demanding the release of Warisha Moradi.

“Warisha Moradi is a fighter who has turned prison into a center for the struggle against the Islamic Republic,” said another activist in her video message.

Warisha Moradi, a women’s rights defender and member of the East Kurdistan Free Women Society (KJAR), was arrested and taken to an unknown location by the members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Sanandaj on August 1, 2023. After a four-month interrogation period, she was transferred to Evin Prison in Tehran. She faces charges of “armed rebellion against the state”.

She started a hunger strike on the World Day against the Death Penalty, annually observed on October 10, to protest the death penalty in Iran.