Reaction from women of Deir ez-Zor to use of chemical weapons

Reacting to the use of chemical weapons by Turkey, the women of Deir ez-Zor called on all people to raise their voices, pointing to the silence of the international community.


Deir ez-Zor- Chemical weapons are toxic chemicals that directly affect humans, animals, and plants. Unlike biological agents, they do not reproduce or spread from person to person. However, the toxic chemicals inside them have destructive effects on humans and nature.

Women and children are affected

The Turkish state used chemical weapons in its attacks on North and East Syrian Afrin and Serêkaniyê cities. Women and children were the most affected by the chemical attack. While the Turkish state keeps ignoring the international law and convention by using chemical weapons, the women of Deir ez-Zor reacted to the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state.

“The international community turns a blind eye”

Rene Xetat, member of the Council of Martyrs' Families in Deir ez-Zor, told us that the international community turns a blind eye to the use of chemical weapons in the Kurdistan Region. “The People's Defense Forces blocked the Turkish state from carrying out its plans in order to invade the region. After being defeated, the Turkish state started using chemical weapons. All people should support the People’s Defense Forces to prevent the Turkish state from invading our region,” she said.

“Everyone should raise their voices”

Sıbe Dele, member of the Education Committee of the Zenobiya Women's Community in Deir ez-Zor said that the system in the world has been collapsing, “The guerrilla forces are the forces of the fraternity of people. They fight for freedom and stability in the region. We strongly condemn the use of these chemicals that violate human rights, kill people and destroy nature. Everyone should raise their voices against the use of chemical weapons.”