Artworks of prisoners to be displayed at ‘Inside and Outside’ exhibition
Artworks of prisoners will be displayed at the exhibition called “Inside and Outside” in Ankara from December 1 to December 8.

News Center- The Görülmüştür Collective and Redphotograph Group will hold an exhibition called “Inside and Outside” at the Vişnelik Facility of the Middle East Technical University (METU) Alumni Association in Ankara from December 1 to December 8.
The artworks of thousands of prisoners, who have been in prisons for 10, 20 and 30 years, will be displayed at the exhibition.
“When artists pursue beauty, they stumble on the stones of pain. If they bend down and take the stones, their hands bleed, if they do not take the stones, their conscience bleeds. Despite the incredible prohibitions inside and outside, these artists, whose hands are bleeding, never stop thinking and producing,” said the Görülmüştür Collective and Redphotograph Group.