Kongra Star calls for unity against recent attacks on Aleppo
In a written statement, Kongra Star calls on our people and women of North and East Syria “to unite and act according to the strategy of the revolutionary people’s war” against the recent attacks on Aleppo.

News Center- Kongra Star issued a written statement on Monday regarding the attacks by Turkish-backed factions on the Afrin/Shahba Canton of North and East Syria.
“The Middle East region is experiencing fierce conflicts and wars, accompanied by crises and chaos, which are having a brutal impact on the reality of societies and peoples, especially women and children,” the statement said. “The recent events and developments in Aleppo and the collapse of the Syrian army bear witness to this, as do the indiscriminate attacks on Shahba, which is mainly home to refugees from Afrin.”
Stressing that the attacks are “the result of the lack of consensual Syrian solutions in Syria, the non-implementation of Resolution 2254 and the failure of the Syrian regime to open the door to dialog and negotiations to the initiative of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria”, Kongra Star said:
“This has led the armed groups of the Turkish occupation state to confront the population with genocide and displacement once again, in addition to their attacks on northern and eastern Syria. The Turkish occupying state is trying to take advantage of the existing situation to achieve its expansionist, demographic and colonial goals and expand its influence to realize Misak-ı Millî (National Pact). It undermines the democratic solution and the achievements of our people and the women’s revolution, which is the result of the struggle and resistance of the Kurdish, Arab, Syriac, Assyrian, Armenian, Circassian and Turkmen peoples of the region.”
Call for unity
In the face of the chaotic and warlike conditions, “As the people of the region and especially as women, we must organize and protect ourselves,” Kongra Star added, calling on the peoples and women of the region to “unite and act according to the strategy of the revolutionary people’s war, to strengthen self-protection and defense of the national soil and social values, and to increase the pace of struggle and resistance at all levels in order to build a free and dignified life.”