KJK: Jin, Jiyan, Azadi has become a global slogan of women
The Kurdistan Women's Communities (KJK) has published a written statement greeting the resistance of women in India and Afghanistan and saying, “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi has become a global slogan of women.”

News Center- The Kurdistan Women's Communities (KJK) has published a written statement on women’s protests all over the world against executions. In the statement, the KJK recalled the protests that sparked in India over the rape and killing of a student doctor at a state-run hospital in Kolkata on August 9, the protests of Afghan women against the Taliban and the “No to Executions” campaign launched against the death sentences given to labor activist Sharifeh Mohammadi and journalist Pakhshan Azizi by the Iranian regime and said, “What has been going on is an important process in the women's struggle.”
“The system of patriarchal modernity and capitalism is suffering from a deep crisis. This system tries to maintain its power and overcome this crisis through recolonization and war. The process we are going through is a period of crisis and is known as the Third World War that is being waged based on sexism and religious ideology. Countries, people, especially women, are attacked by hegemonic powers.
‘We face the biggest threat we have ever faced’
“The war started against women thousands of years ago has recently intensified especially in the Middle East, Asia and North Africa, where women are killed every day. There is a need to end the war against women, especially in Iran, Afghanistan, India, Kurdistan, Iraq, Türkiye, Bangladesh, Libya and Latin America. We face the biggest threat we have ever faced,” the statement said.
‘We are on a historical threshold’
We are on a historical threshold, the statement added. “Women’s resistance has a historical role. Today, we see that the philosophy of ‘Jin, Jiyan,Azadî’ has become a global slogan of women resisting all forms of gender-based violence and femicide. We greet the protests in India, Afghanistan and Iran and call on all women’s organizations and movements to stand with them. We express our support to Indian, Afghan, Persian, Arab, African, Eastern and Western women.”
‘It’s time to make freedom the only option in the world’
Calling on women to build up a women's confederal system, the statement said, “It’s time to make freedom the only option in the world. It is obvious that an unorganized resistance cannot break down the current system. Therefore, it is time for women’s organizations and movements to unite.”