KJK condemns rape, killing of Alawite women in Syria

The Kurdistan Women's Communities (KJK) has issued a statement, condemning rape and killing of Alawite women in Syria. “Everyone must raise their voices against the attacks on the Alawite minority.”

News Center-  Clashes broken out between Damascus-backed forces and armed groups in Latakia, Tartus, Idlib, Homs and Daraa on Thursday evening are going on.

The Kurdistan Women’s Communities (Kurdish: Komalên Jinên Kurdistanê,KJK) has released a written statement, condemning rape and killing of Alawite women in Syria’s coastal region.

“We are in solidarity with the Alawite people and women. We call on all democratic women’s organizations and movements all around the world, especially in Syria, Kurdistan and Türkiye to take a stance against the ongoing attacks.”

Syria has been dragged into a bloody war again, the statement stressed, indicating that the people of the Alawite community have been killed in Syria’s coastal cities of Latakia, Tartus, Homs and Daraa.

‘Alawite women have been raped’

The statement also drew attention the rapes and sexual violence against Alawite women. “The terrorists and factions brought from abroad, mostly non-Syrian, who are religious and have the mindset of ISIS, have committed crimes against Alawite women. Alawite women have been raped by them,” KJK said in the statement, calling on women’s organizations and movements to raise their voices against the killing of Alawites.

“We call on all democratic women’s organizations and movements all around the world, especially in Syrian, Kurdistan and Türkiye to raise their voices against the rape and killing of Alawite women on International Women’s Day. The patriarchal mindset and its systems pave the way for massacres, inequalities, wars and clashes. Therefore, women’s struggle for freedom is the antidote to all forms of gender-based violence.”