Jiyan Hisên of Kongra Star: We will reinforce the fight against executions
“The death sentence handed down to Warisha Moradi is a message to all revolutionary women,” said Jiyan Hisên, coordinating member of Kongra Star. “We will reinforce the fight against executions.”

Qamishlo- Violence against women is on the rise in the Middle East, violating women’s right to life. The male-state system seeing women's struggle as a great threat against it uses methods of violence against women in society.
On November 10, Warisha Moradi, a women’s rights defender and a member of the East Kurdistan Free Women Society (KJAR), was sentenced to death by Branch 15 of the Tehran Islamic Revolutionary Court on charges of “armed rebellion” against the Iranian regime. “We will reinforce the fight against executions,” said Jiyan Hisên, coordinating member of Kongra Star.
‘The death sentence is against all women’
The aim of this sentence is to punish all women, Jiyan Hisên stressed, adding: “Warisha Moradi was sentenced to death in November, an important month in the fight against violence against women. In November, women organize activities and actions against violence. However, Warisha Moradi was sentenced to death in such an important month. The aim of this sentence is to punish all women fighting gender-based violence. The death sentence handed down to Warish Moradi is a message to all revolutionary women.”
‘Threats to women’s struggle increase gender-based violence’
Violence against women increases, as the patriarchal system exists, Jiyan Hisên said. “Violence against women increases and women are deprived of their rights due to the patriarchal system. Especially in recent years, women have been subjected to more brutal violence. Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) says, ‘The 21st century will be the century of women's freedom’. His words inspired women all around the world during the revolution in Rojava. Now, women take to the streets all over the world to demand their rights. As the struggle gets stronger, gender-based violence and femicide increase. The threats to women’s struggle increase gender-based violence and femicide. We must strengthen the struggle to end violence against women.”
‘Violence will continue unless the patriarchal mindset changes’
Social change is needed to ensure gender equality, Jiyan Hisên emphasized. “Violence will continue unless the patriarchal mindset changes. As Kongra Star, we have recently organized many activities, workshops and seminars to educate men. During our last workshop in the Jazira Canon, we discussed ‘Family Law’. The participants discussed many issues such as the Family Law, women’s rights, how to build an equal and free life and a democratic family.”
‘The fight against violence will continue’
Jiyan Hisên concluded her speech, saying: “As Kongra Star, we will continue to fight against gender-based violence. We will fight against violence not only in November but also all the days in the year. We call on all women to unite and be solidarity with each other in order to fight against violence.”