Istanbul: 807 children become victims of child marriage in 2020!
The report prepared by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) reveals the striking fact in Istanbul. 807 children aged between 16 and 17 years old became the victims of child marriage in Istanbul in 2020.

News Center-The Istanbul Statistics Office, under the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) Planning Agency, has published the “Children of Istanbul 2021” report. 807 children aged between16 and 17 years old became the victims of child marriage in Istanbul in 2020. 95 percent of these children were girls.
The population of children aged between 0-17 in Turkey is more than 22.7 million. 17% of these children (about 3.9 million) live in Istanbul. Most children live in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul.
In 2020, 807 children became the victims of child marriage in Istanbul and 95 percent of these children were girls. These figures show that 765 child marriages were performed in Istanbul. In 2020, 13,740 children were forced into child marriage in Turkey. 13.014 of these children have been recorded as girls and 726 as boys.
The rate of children gave birth was 3.9 per thousand
The rate of children gave birth in 2020 was 3.9 per thousand. This rate is 8.3 across Turkey, says the report.
“816 children live with foster parents”
The number of foster families in Turkey is now 6.637 while there are 749 foster families in Istanbul. In Turkey, 8.065 children have lived with foster parents. The number of children living with foster parents in Istanbul is 816.