Iran executes four women in three days
Four women were executed in Iran in the last three days of 2023, according to the NCRI Women Committee.

News Center- The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to use the death penalty as a form of punishment. The rising trend of executions, particularly public executions, is being used by the mullahs’ regime as a tool to instill fear and prevent any potential uprisings, said the report released by the NCRI Women Committee, a NGO founded by Iranian women living in different countries.
“Since January 2023, it (Iranian regime) has executed some 850 prisoners, including 15 political prisoners, a 43 percent rise compared to previous year.”
The report said that the Iranian regime executed more than 200 prisoners in October-November 2023 and that four women were executed in Iran in the last three days of 2023. “Eight prisoners, including three women, were executed in the Prison of Birjand, in South Khorasan Province (eastern Iran), at dawn on Wednesday, December 27, 2023. Another four prisoners, including one woman, were hanged in the Central Prison of Urmia, in the northwestern province of West Azerbaijan, on Friday morning, December 29, 2023.”
According to the reports, 228 women have been executed in Iran since 2007.