Infectious diseases spread among displaced people in northeastern Syria
Infectious diseases have begun to spread among thousands of people displaced from Shahba and Til Rifat by the attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions.

Qamishlo- Since November 27, 2024, the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions have been carrying attacks on Shahba/Afrin canton, displacing hundreds of thousands of Kurds, Turkmens and Arabs to safe areas in northeastern Syria designated by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. Many displaced women and children suffer from infectious diseases due to cold weather.
‘Why are we attacked?’
Ayşa Evdo was displaced with her family from Afrin’s Şêrawa district to Shahba in 2018 by the Turkish attacks. The recent attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on Shahba displaced them to the city of Qamishlo, Jazira Canton of North and East Syria. “We faced many challenges until we arrived in Qamishlo,” she told NuJINHA. “Many children died from the cold and many of us got sick on the way to Qamishlo. Since the shelters are overcrowded, diseases spread fast. I want to ask the whole world why we are attacked? Why are we oppressed? All we demand is the end of this war so that we have a peaceful life. Wherever we go, the enemy follows us and we no longer know where to go. We have been displaced multiple times.”
‘We provide all kinds of treatment and medical control’
Following the attacks on northeastern Syria, the Health Board of Jazira Canton and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rojava built a health center at the 12th of March stadium in the city of Qamishlo. “We provide all kinds of treatment and medical control to all displaced people,” said gynecologist Şoreş Osman. “If we have the possibility, we provide medications to the displaced people. If we do not have one, we transfer them to hospitals. Most children suffer from the flu. Many people suffer from bowel infections while old people suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes. There are also many pregnant women and we care for them. Until now, two women have given birth at the center.”
Diseases spread fast in overcrowded shelters
Since the shelters are overcrowded, serious diseases outbreak among forcibly displaced people. “We are afraid of an outbreak of diseases spread by lice and fleas. Such infectious diseases can spread fast because the displaced people have no access to hygiene. Diseases spread fast among displaced people in overcrowded shelters. We do our best to prevent the spread of diseases.”
‘Everyone should feel responsible and help’
Since the medical personnel of the center can meet 60 percent of the displaced people’s needs, they demanded support from hospitals and medical specialists. “We have not faced a serious situation so far; however, some patients need regular control. Therefore, everyone should feel responsible and help the displaced people.”