Human Rights Watch: Turkey fails domestic violence victims
Turkey should take urgent action to enforce protective measures and ensure accountability to combat domestic violence, the Human Rights Watch says in its report.

News Center- The Human Rights Watch released a report titled, “Combatting Domestic Violence in Turkey: The Deadly Impact of Failure to Protect,” yesterday (May 26). The Turkish government is failing victims of domestic violence even though the police and courts have issued a rising number of restraining orders designed to protect women and break cycles of abuse, Human Rights Watch said in the report.
The report found failure to enforce court orders leaves women open to continuing abuse from current or former husbands and partners. In some cases, women have been killed despite having obtained restraining orders intended to protect them. Human Rights Watch conducted interviews with domestic violence victims and their lawyers, police officers, judges, and prosecutors.
“The authorities should ensure that the deterrent purpose of preventive orders is reinforced by timely prosecution of perpetrators of domestic violence,” the Human Rights Watch said in the report, calling on Turkey to take urgent action to enforce protective measures and ensure accountability.