Future Syria Party: The resolution of the Syrian crisis is possible with the Democratic Nation Project
The Future Syria Party held a meeting in Shahba on the Syrian crisis. During the meeting, the participants emphasized that the resolution of the Syrian crisis is possible with the Democratic Nation Project.

Shahba - Offices of the Future Syria Party in Shahba and Afrin held a meeting in the Shahba Canton with the motto, “The Syrian crisis cannot be resolved without the Democratic Nation Project.” The meeting was held in the Fafîn town of Shahba with the participation of the members of the organizations and institutions affiliated to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, political parties and the Syrian Future Part.
Newroz Hisên, a member of the offices of the Future Syria Party in Shahba and Afrin, made a speech after a minute’s silence. “Society cannot be liberated without women's liberation. Women are first targeted in conflicts in the region due to the sovereign powers having the mentality of ISIS. Women struggled and still struggle against the mentality of ISIS to have a free Syria. Women played an important role in the Revolution in Rojava. This revolution will destroy the system built by the sovereign mentality and establish a system with the power and will of organized women,” she said in her speech.
“Democratic Nation Model is the only solution”
Speaking about the purpose of the meeting and the role of women in resolution of the Syrian crisis, Newroz Hisên said that the main purpose of the meeting was to resolve the Syrian crisis.
“The resolution of the Syrian crisis is possible with the Democratic Nation Project. We carry out our works within the framework of this project. We will make the voice of our project heard across the region, particularly by women, because we know that society cannot be liberated without women’s liberation. We must carry out our democratic activities in order to destroy the patriarchal mentality. Women have played an important role in the resolution of the Syrian crisis. Thanks to the ideology of the Democratic Nation, women have broken the chains of slavery and participated in every sphere of life such as politics and social life. Women have the capacity to build a free and democratic Syria with their will, knowledge and struggle.”
After discussions, the meeting ended.