Egyptian women fight against domestic violence
“Women are treated like slaves at home,” say women of Cairo, calling on women to fight against domestic violence.

Cairo- In Egypt, many women are subjected to domestic violence. One of the issues discussed in the country is the normalization of domestic violence due to the patriarchy limiting women’s position to domestic roles. Hanan Manna is an Egyptian woman who fights against domestic violence.
Women do not receive the value they deserve, Hanan Manna told NuJINHA. “Women are seen as ‘servants’ at home. Married women are not seen as spouses or friends; they are seen as people doing the housework. This approach is an insult to women, violating human rights. Victims of domestic violence do not ask a divorce for fear of being marginalized by society.”
‘Girls are seen as burdens’
Women, who have no economic independence, often bear the difficult living conditions at home, Hanan Manna stressed. “Many families force their daughters into marriage due to financial problems. Girls are seen as burdens by their parents. Although there are disagreements during their engagement period, their parents believe that everything will be better after marriage. However, the disagreements during the engagement period continue after marriage; they become even more complicated.
“Many married women face problems with the families of their spouses. Mutual respect is very important in marriages. If couples respect each other, the problems faced by them can be solved.”
‘Women bear so much domestic burden’
Madiha Al-Kilani, another Egyptian woman fighting against domestic violence, says that Egyptian women bear so much domestic burden such as raising children, cooking, cleaning the house and many more. “Many families marry off their sons to find a servant for them. Families should be role models for the next generations. If there is no mutual respect, if women do not receive the value they deserve, domestic violence will continue.”