Doesn't KADES protect Kurdish women?

Yesterday, Turkish General Directorate of Security announced on its social media accounts that Emergency Support Hotline for Women (KADES) is available in Turkish, Persian, Arabic, English, Russian and French. However, it doesn't contain the Kurdish language, the second most spoken language in Turkey.
News Center- Turkish Interior Ministry developed an application called Emergency Support Hotline for Women (KADES) for women in 2018. Yesterday, the Turkish General Directorate of Security announced on its social media accounts that the application will be active in six languages; Turkish, Persian, Arabic, English, Russian and French.
But the second most spoken language in Turkey, Kurdish hasn’t been included. This announcement sparks outrage on social media. Some of the account holders ask, “Doesn’t KADES protect Kurdish women?”
Emergency Support Hotline for Women (KADES) is an application developed by the Turkish Interior Ministry to help women face domestic violence in 2018. The app can be installed on mobile operating systems iSOS and Android. Women can report when they are subjected to domestic violence by using this app.
Criticisms for the application
The application has been developed by the Turkish Interior Ministry and General Directorate of Security. The use of the KADES app has been reportedly increased these days. According to the official data, 620, 829 women have downloaded the KADES application until now. Some women criticize the app for just having a definition, “Domestic violence”, while some criticize it saying they pressed the help button on the app but no one came.
Yesterday, one of the trending hashtags in Turkey was “KADES” and people criticized the app for not helping Kurdish women.